A big thank you to all who worked to make All Saints Raffle a fantastic success, and the winners are:
Muchísimas "gracias" a todos que trabajaron al exito de la Rifa de Todos los Santos, y los que ganaron son:
1st Place: James Hewlett - $1,000.00 Visa Gift Card
(Donated by parishioner)
2nd Place: Carl Angelone - $500.00 Visa Gift Card
(Donated by parishioner)
3rd Place: Anselmo Espinoza - $500.00 Visa Gift Card
(Donated by Betty Williams, Liz Lester & Ana Cummings)
4th Place: Tillie Wise - $500.00 Visa Gift Card
(Donated in memory of Jim Finch by Janie Finch)
5th Place: Nancy Gold - $500.00 Weekend in Galveston
(Donated by Katherine Swilley)
6th Place: Elaine McClaine - $500.00 Deluxe Scrabble Game & Mary Kay Timewise Skin Care Kit (Donated in memory of Louise Peters by Liz, Helen, & Janie)
7th Place: Mike Lester - $250 Shell Gas Card
(Donated by Wade A. Pierre)
8th Place: Maria F. Crouch - $200.00 Cheer Basket
(Donated by Pastoral Council)
9th Place: Chris Green - $150.00 Ballet Folklorico Entertainment for your next event
(Donated by Grupo Ballet Folklorico Zapata/Director Miguel Ponce)
10th Place: Liz Lester - $125.00 Target Gift Card
(Donated by Kerry Mooney & Maggie Fuchs)
11th Place: George Perez - $125.00 HEB Gift Card
(Donated in memory of June Sechelski by Betty Warzon, Liz Lester, Lucy Krogman, Jo'Kelley Parrish & Elizabeth Nowak)
12th Place: Davis & Alicia Pita - $100.00 Fiesta Gift Card
(Donated in memory of Judge Bill Hatten by DorthyHatten)
13th Place: Alicia Perales - $100.00 Kroger Gift Card
(Donated by Leon Gottseling)
14th Place: The Hewletts - $100.00 Beautifully Handcrafted Beaded Necklace and Earrings
(Donated by artist Janice Chatham)
15th Place: Patricia Parenti - $100.00 Astros Tickets
(Donated by Michael Branda)
16th Place: Rachel Flores - $100.00 Santos Store-All Saints Gift Shop
(Donated by Msgr Adam S. McClosky)
17th Place: William Aymond - $100.00 Digital Camera
(Donated by Carl Angelone)
18th Place: Cruz Rodriguez - $50.00 Specialty Cake
(Donated by Extraordinaire Baker Desiree Stromberg)